
Experience the art of barista up close: Workshops with Mecki Barista at the Frankfurt Coffee Festival

Experience the art of barista up close: Workshops with Mecki Barista at the Frankfurt Coffee Festival

We can look forward to a real highlight at this year's Frankfurt Coffee Festival: Mecki Barista, founder of the renowned Baristafabrik, will be on site to lead his practice-oriented workshops and share his passion for excellent coffee preparation with the participants.

"I'm Mecki Barista, Barista Workshop Manager at Baristafabrik," the expert introduces himself. He has been running the Baristafabrik with great success since 2017 and has built up a first-class reputation in the coffee world through his workshops. Mecki's knowledge of coffee bean varieties, roasting techniques and brewing methods is extensive, and he knows how to convey complex topics in an understandable and inspiring way.

Participants in his workshops can expect an intensive, hands-on experience: "My practical sessions allow participants to hone their skills directly on the portafilter and espresso machine." Whether beginner or experienced barista - Mecki attaches great importance to giving each participant individual feedback and helping them progress at their own personal level.

Through his passion and expertise, the Baristafabrik has developed into a center for the art of coffee. Mecki manages to create a motivating learning environment in which both theoretical knowledge and practical skills are taught in an exciting way. His goal: "Let's celebrate the art of coffee together and inspire the participants of the festival!"

So if you've always wanted to delve deeper into the world of coffee preparation, the Frankfurt Coffee Festival is the ideal opportunity. Mecki's workshops offer the perfect mix of theory and practice - and of course lots of great coffee.

Don't miss the chance to learn from one of Germany's best baristas and take your barista skills to the next level!

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